Vanlue is now accepting Open Enrollment applications. The Open Enrollment form is available
here. Parents/guardians will need to print the form, sign, and either mail/drop off at Vanlue School/email.
Once approved, parents of “new” Vanlue students will use the link
here to finish the enrollment process.
Applications for open enrollment must be completed each year for each child.
Enrollment Procedures After Approval
Step by step directions on “Registering a Student” and completing the required forms is available
The following information can be uploaded during the enrollment registration:
____ Child’s Birth Certificate (Ohio law requires we see original or attested copy)
____ Child’s Current Immunization Record
____ Child’s Social Security Card
____ Child Custody Papers, Divorce Decree, or Guardianship Documents
If you have questions or do not have access to a computer, please contact Jodi Cole (
[email protected]) or call (419) 387-7724 for assistance.
When you’ve completed and submitted your student/s enrollment registration, please contact the school.
We are excited to have you be a part of the Wildcat Family!