Kindergarten registration signups for screening will open from mid-February through mid-March each school year.
Screening for the 2024-2025 school year will take place on Wednesday, March 20, 2024. This is the only day screening will take place. The screening will begin at 8:30am in the cafeteria on the second floor and wrap up no later than 11am.
- All students must be 5 years of age on or before August 1 to attend.
- All district residents must be screened in their home school district.
Parents are asked to bring your child to the screening and you are required to have the child’s:
- Complete immunization record with dates of immunizations.
- Official birth certificate.
- Completed Kindergarten Enrollment Form (even if you plan to open enroll elsewhere)
- Social Security card.
- Custody Papers, if any.
The hospital record of birth is NOT an official birth certificate. An official birth certificate must be obtained from the department of health in the city in which your child was born.
Please be advised of the necessary immunization requirements from the Ohio Department of Health: DTaP/DTP – 5 doses; Polio – 4 doses; MMR – 2 doses; Hepatitis B – 3 doses; and 2 doses of the Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine is also required. The Hancock County Health Department is presently offering these vaccines at any of their scheduled immunization clinics. To avoid the summer rush please call 424-7869 for clinic dates ASAP. A county health nurse will be present to check all immunization records.
Please be aware that a legal guardian MUST accompany the future student to the screening due to legal documents that will need signed.
Parents will need to print and return the Registration Form
before Wednesday, March 20, 2024 in order to placed on the screening schedule. You can either mail, email, or fax the form to: Jodi Cole at
[email protected]/fax: 419-387-7722. The enrollment form can be brought with you to the screening.